
Dhiffushi welcomes back its first guests after the reopening

Photo by Bibee Maldives
On 6th December 2020, Dhiffushi welcomed back its very first guests since the resumption of guesthouse operations on 15th October 2020.
Kaafu Atoll has been one of the main hubs for local island tourism to prosper in the Maldives. In this regard, Dhiffushi has been rated one of the most popular islands to visit in Maldives and over the last few years, it has become a very popular tourist attraction owing to its natural beauty and relaxing environment.
There are a variety of excursions to enjoy during your stay in Dhiffushi ranging from diving to snorkeling to island hopping to fishing trips to dolphin watching and so on. Dhiffushi also has a wide variety of water sports such as kayaking, jet skiing and kite surfing. Regardless of what you choose to enjoy, the hospitality provided by locals and the guesthouses are immeasurable. For more information, tourists can always inquire from their confirmed place of stay. 
Before traveling to Maldives, there are a few things to be kept in mind. Firstly, an online health declaration form is to be filled within 24 hours prior to departure to Maldives. Secondly, a negative COVID-19 PCR test is required conducted 96 hours prior to departure to Maldives
While resorts and liveaboards reopened on 15th July, guesthouses were only given the go ahead to reopen for tourists from 15th October onwards. All guesthouses are in line with the safe tourism guidelines as per the Ministry of Tourism and the local Health Protection Agency. Wearing masks is mandatory in public places for locals as well as tourists at all tourist guesthouse islands. Tourists are not allowed to enter or stay in residential houses, but they are allowed to use public cafes, restaurants and shops which follow the COVID-19 preventative measures.
Further to this, all tourists are encouraged to use the contact tracing app “TraceEkee” and if in isolation/quarantine, they are required to register on “Haalu Belun” portal.
“Split-stay” is allowed between all tourist establishments with prior approval taken from the Ministry of Tourism. However, tourists are not allowed to travel from a tourist guesthouse island to a non-tourist guesthouse island. 
  1. Video of Dhiffushi reopening and welcoming back guests can be found here.
  2. The full health and safety guidelines for the prevention of COVID-19 in the tourism sector can be found here.
  3. Approved opening dates of tourist establishments and transit facilities can be found here.
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