
The global pandemic has left several of us distressed as we are forced to hit pause on our travel plans and stay home on lockdown. However, there might be a surge in traveling once the borders are open again. If you are scheduling a trip, make sure you are in line with the safety measures and follow some of these helpful tips if you want to evade COVID-19 during your travels.
• Test yourself: If you are showing signs of the virus, get yourself tested. If you are waiting for results, the best thing to do is postpone your trip.
• Get your medical and travel history ready: This might come in handy as proof that you and others around you are safe, and to ensure that the chances of you catching the virus are slim to none.
• Carry all essentials: Get yourself a couple of masks and gloves. Carry hand sanitizers and wet tissues with you at all times.
• Social distancing: Do not stand too close to people or linger in areas which are busy; keep a distance of 6 feet if possible.
• Avoid touching stairs, buttons and any other similar things with your bare hands: Always wear gloves.
• Avoid sneezing in your hands: Sneeze into your elbows.
• Be informed: Keep up with statistics, check the WHO guidelines and check the safety requirements put in place by the country you are traveling to.