5 Ways To Get Your Thrill on in the Maldives

Wanna get your thrill on in the Maldives?

Connecting with Whale Sharks: The Majestic Beasts of the Ocean

One of the most jaw-dropping experiences one can have in the Maldives is to swim, snorkel, or dive alongside a whale shark - arguably one of the most majestic creatures in the ocean. Whale sharks (Rhi

The Guest House Culture in Maldives

Crystal clear seas, powdery white sand and indulgence beyond measure are three things that come to mind whenever the Maldives is mentioned. Whilst the country is famous for its unique beauty and ex...

The Story of Bodu Mas and Koadi Kendun

There are many folklores which offer keen insights into the history, culture and beliefs of Maldivians. These folk tales are bursting with magic, spirits, demons, monsters and sorcerers often depic...

Eid al-Adha or “Bodu Eid” as We Know It

Eid al-Adha is an Islamic festival celebrated on the day after Hajj Day. Its significance is derived from the importance associated with Hajj; an annual Islamic pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca...

Maldives for the First-Timers

The Maldives is a picture-perfect archipelago, situated in the middle of the Indian Ocean, and home to 1,190+ tiny coral islands. The country is famous for the beauty it carries and is celebrated a...

Live Aboard a Liveaboard

Photo credit: Mohamed Masaau on Unsplash

Eat Like a Local

The essence of Maldivian cuisine lies in the beauty of the culture in welcoming everyone to come in and have a taste. Almost every island has at least one restaurant and is home to many small tea s...

A Dozen Ways to Live Like a Local

Maldives epitomises luxury and romance at its best. However, there are so many things that tourists can do which do not fit into these two categories. If you are looking to travel on a budget or si...

Underwater Experiences in Maldives

The under ocean experience in Maldives is  truly unique with fully submerged underwater accommodation, dining and spa facilities positioned meters beneath the ocean surface. Instead of waking...