
Grand Park Kodhipparu Maldives Celebrated Earth Hour with Guest Engagement and Energy Conservation Efforts

Grand Park Kodhipparu Maldives, recently celebrated Earth Hour on March 26, 2023, by switching  off non-essential lights and gathering with guests on the beach to light up candles. The resort's marine  biologist also held a guest engagement session, highlighting the resort's conservation efforts to protect  the environment and marine life in the Maldives. 
Earth Hour is a worldwide event that encourages individuals and businesses to switch off nonessential lights for one hour to show support for environmental conservation efforts. Grand Park  Kodhipparu Maldives joined this global initiative to raise awareness of the importance of sustainability and energy conservation. 
During the Earth Hour event, the resort's guests and team members gathered on the beach, where  they lit candles and enjoyed the peaceful ambiance created by the dimmed lights. The marine biologist  at Grand Park Kodhipparu Maldives led a guest engagement session, explaining the conservation  efforts of the resort to protect the environment and marine life in the Maldives. The session covered  topics such as sustainable fishing practices, coral reef protection, and waste management. Grand Park Kodhipparu Maldives is committed to implementing sustainable practices and reducing  its carbon footprint. The resort has adopted several energy conservation efforts, such as using energy efficient lighting, implementing a waste management system, and minimizing the use of single-use  plastics. The resort also operates a desalination plant to produce its freshwater, reducing reliance on  imported bottled water. 
"We are proud to have participated in Earth Hour and to have raised awareness of the importance of  environmental conservation," said Raffaele Solferino, General Manager of Grand Park Kodhipparu  Maldives. "As a resort in a fragile environment, we recognize the need to implement sustainable  practices to minimize our impact on the environment. We are committed to continuing our efforts to  protect the environment and reduce our carbon footprint. 
For more information and to book your stay, please visit: male-atoll/grand-park-kodhipparu-maldives/sustainability or contact  [email protected].
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